Tuesday, December 18, 2007

don´t get me wrong (III)

I know I am getting a little bit boring about the Christmas issue but COME ON! everybody is collapsing my email account with junk Xmas emails. We have exchanged the traditional cards for virtual season greetings, therefore, we get dozens of emails with the subject ¨Merry Christmas¨ Does anybody remember when we used to buy cards and write the usual stuff on them and send them out?

These past days I have received animals greeting me, a video of a guy doing an impression of one of Santa Claus' Reindeer, George Clooney wishing ME Merry Christmas, etc. Only one card. From the British Council and that one doesn't count because I paid them a lot of money for my English classes, they should send me not only a card but also a present. Today we even listened to a Christmas carol in class. Thank God Alan didn't have us sing it!

Alan has been my English teacher for the whole term. He´s a British guy that has been living in Madrid for over twenty years. He's a great guy and a great teacher. He likes to give out sheets of polemic statements to have us talk about them. Things like When a woman behaves like a man, why doesn't she behave like a nice man? Today I read one which I really liked Christmas would be better in February. I agreed immediately when I read it in February or even better in summer time and We could celebrate it on the beach! but then one of my classmates said Noooo! Not in February I have exams at university! Sometimes I forget that I am older than the rest of my class.


El Gran Humungus said...

Aunque me parezcan horribles y aborrecibles, no nos vamos a mudar de planeta aún, creo. Así que felices fiestas. O, por lo menos, que sean divertidas. Desde el páramo, para tod@s.

Unhinged Monica said...


Anonymous said...

querida monica

quisiera hablar "en privado" contigo o mejor te pego un toque al movil cuando me digas; o por messenger pero me es bastante urgente contactar contigo.

te he mandado un mensaje a mss75@excite.com y me lo devuelve y tu movil no me lo se.

siento usar este sistema para comunicarme contigo.

un saludo afectuoso y feliz navidad

javier huarte.