Saturday, October 13, 2007

kapuscinski and africa

".....Para ellos, la tierra se acaba allí donde está el último poblado cuyos habitantes hablan esa lengua que les resulta comprensible. Y esta es la frontera de su mundo. ¿Y que hay mas allá de esa frontera? preguntábamos. Más allá de esa frontera, decían, empieza otro planeta, habitado por los nganguela, o sea, los no-hombres. Hay que guardarse muy mucho de esos nganguela porque son muchos, muchísimos, y hablan una lengua que no hay manera de entender y que les sirve para ocultar sus malas intenciones."

De "Un dia mas con vida" R. Kapuscinski

"For them, the earth finishes where the last village whose villagers speak an understandable language is. And that is the border of their world. And what is there further beyond that border? we asked. Beyond that border, they answered, it starts another planet, inhabited by the nganguela, the no-men. You have to be careful with those nganguela, because they are loads, loads, and they speak a language impossible to understand which helps them to hide their bad intentions."

Another day with life. R. Kapuscinski

With this text I have been invited to a series of conferences on social projects developed by Arquitectos sin Fronteras in Africa. If you happen to be in Barcelona, come round.

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