Saturday, May 26, 2007

kitchen talks

Last night I was chatting with Gus, one of my flatmates, and Maria, a friend of his, about religion. We were talking in the kitchen where all the interesting conversations take place in every home. The night before it was a discussion on athletism with Gore and her boyfriend and the previous one, we were all talking about our future new flatmate.

Kitchens are fantastic places to have a chat. They're warm and we're lucky enough to have a big sunny kitchen. I missed my Indonesian kitchen talks with Mike and the rest. I think people who say I'm crazy living with so many people, they do not know anything about these kitchen talks.


Anonymous said...

¡Hola Moni!
Tienes toda la razón. La cocina es un lugar maravilloso. ¿Te acuerdas de aquel mes en el que vivimos juntas en Pontevedra, con aquellas sobremesas interminables donde no parábamos de hablar y de reir, y siempre nos daban las tantas?

Unhinged Monica said...

Hombre pues claro.... y también me acuerdo de los calamares rellenos....hummmmmm