Wednesday, May 30, 2007


When my mother visited Canada, in the sixties, she went to a mass of the Polsih comunity in Toronto. During the mass, the priest asked everyone to pray for the compatriots who were suffering under the Comunism in Poland. My mother, who was living in Poland at the time, interrupted the sermon and explained that she was going to ask in Warsaw to pray for the Polish who lived in Canada whom lived their life as if this was limited to the distance between the entrance and the exit of a supermarket.
Ladislau Dowbor
Two nights ago we had a dinner at home to celebrate Gus birthday. Gus prepared a delicious sushi with salmon and crab. One of the guests was Sinia, one of Anna's University mates. Sinia didn't want to eat crab because Sinia is Jew. I did not know but Jews are not allowed to eat seafood apart from pork meat and many other things. When enquired she was absolutely convinced about her point.
Maria was also invited. She claims to be vegetarian. I say claims because when you ask if she eats fish she answers that No, except when I go to my parents home to avoid illness and because I can't say no...So she says she is vegetarian until she reaches her parents home.
Last night I had a drink with Mr. Willson. we were talking about this dinner. Mr. Willson has been a convinced vegetarian for years. When we met and I asked, as I always do because I am too curious to be polite and correct, why he didn't eat animal meat; Mr. Willson talked about a compromise with himself, about personal satisfaction, about feeling well with himself...
I anm starting to think that believing in something is not an stupidity, that the stupidity is not believing in anything at all.


Anonymous said...

hola monica

la última frase es:

"yo estoy comenzando a pensar que creer en algo no es una estupidez, que la estupidez es no creer en nada."

es que mi inglés a veces es un poco macarrónico.


de todas formas, no se muy bien como no se puede creer en nada, nada nada. todo o nada son palabras muy extrañas. ya que todo es imposible y nada no existe.

y la estupidez suele estar en lo que se cree no en creer o no creer.

la creencia es un conjunto de opiniones que nos sirven para orientarnos en la vida pero que pueden ser totalmente erroneas. la manera de contrastar opiniones y depurar esas creencias es la intersubjetividad, sin limites de ningún tipo. y en el caso de opiniones sobre hechos mediante la ciencia o la experimentación.

sobre la persona judia y la vegetariana. pueden tener la creencia en comer o no comer y a su vez la pueden seguir o no seguir. una creencia es eso ni mas ni menos. a mi personalmente la estupidez me parece el tener creencias tan firmes sobre lo que se puede comer o no, pero claro es "mi" opinión y mi creencia que no es ni verdadera ni falsa; es doxa, opinión nada más. es más si no se contrasta es sencillamente irrelevante.

las creencias o las opiniones a veces tienen más o menor categoría no por lo contrastadas o refutadas que están sino por la retórica, por el poder que ejerce el interlocutor. pero eso no la haría más creible semanticamente hablando.

Unhinged Monica said...

Y OLE! (tu traduccion es perfecta...)