Saturday, April 28, 2007


How different life is when every day does not start with the uncertainty and the excitement of a trip. The sedentary trips are of a different kind. Yesterday I was taken to La Habana. The nineties. Another story of somebody tired of the West. Tired of his routine, in need of fresh air...And he took the chance and he went away to Cuba, for two years. Life is different ever after.
With his words he transmitted all his love for Cuba, for the son... When he talks about there he even speaks with Cuban accent.

1 comment:

javier h. said...

Cuba siempre me ha atraido fotográficamente hablando. Si la fotografía detiene el tiempo. Cuba está detenida un tiempo atras; estéticamente hablando ya que en estos malos tiempos que corren para el pensamiento no único uno no puede decir que tiene cierta simpatía por fidel ya que inmediatamente le caen encima los epitetos de nuestra ideología (fascista, antidemocrático, y demas papagenadas por el estilo).

un saludo

javier h.