Wednesday, July 11, 2007

my lovely family

My younger sister shares a flat in Valencia with a Romanian couple and her dog. People ask her how living with Romanians is and she insists "they're just normal people".
My elder sister lives with her two children and my mother. One of my brothers had his second child with a vegetarian woman and he became one. Now they're trying to make the baby a natural born vegetarian.
My elder brother has lived on the street for a while. Things went wrong, very wrong with him for as long as I can remember. Now he's working some days a week in an office and trying to make ends meet. Restart.
My father lives with his second wife whom he met on the internet some time ago now, before I even knew what internet or e-mail were.
There was a time when it was really difficult to admit what a strange family I had, now it's kind of funny. Of course there are times when you wish you had a normal standard family but then... that's less interesting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

la familia de alguna forma toca no la eliges. Y pienso que de alguna forma hay que pasar de ella para ser una persona sino estamos repitiendo la mierda de siempre.

No digo que no te guste tu familia sino que elijas quien te gusta o no.