Tuesday, March 13, 2007

same same but different

People keep on asking me "How is the return?" and I keep on answering "It's ok I am taking it really easy". The truth is that everything seems familiar but very different this time. It is really ok.
It is true that people do not smile at me on the street and do not say hello. It is also true that I can not eat delicious rice dishes with my hands. It is true that buying drinking water and checking if there's water in the toilet to clean myself does not make sense anymore. It is also true that there are many more cars and buses than bicycles and motorbikes.
But even in this part of the world there are good things. It is just matter of point of view being able to appreciate them.


Anonymous said...

¡¡Mónica, me alegra encontrarte despois de tanto tempo!! Agora que estás un pouco máis cerca podes facer unha visita a Sevilla. Te esperamos.

Unhinged Monica said...

Gracie liber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unhinged Monica said...

Thanks for the compliment acwo!

I'll do my best...