Thursday, January 04, 2007

the dance of minds

Body. Noun. 1 a :The main part of a plant or animal body especially as distinguished from limbs and head : TRUNK
Mind. Noun. 2 a : the element or complex of elements in an individual that feels, perceives, thinks, wills, and especially reasons.
Minds and not bodies are what we feel attracted to. Beautiful minds are trapped in all sorts of different bodies, beautiful bodies, ugly bodies, young bodies, old bodies, men´s bodies, women´s bodies...
Minds are what we fancy not the size of a breast, not the colour of an eye, not the shape of a body... Minds are what turn us on.
Some days ago I met an incredible person who could be my grandfather. This type of meetings always make me think, if these people´s bodies were different, 40 years younger for instance, would my perception of them be different too...?
Do the bodies affect the minds or it´s only the minds which affect the bodies?


Anonymous said...

Oh my god Monica! You have become in a "bloody" philosopher. I have been thinking in this post for two days... and i haven´t got an answer yet!
Take care, girl frorm the far east

Anonymous said...

Oh my god Monica! You have become in a "bloody" philosopher. I have been thinking in this post for two days... and i haven´t got an answer yet!
Take care, girl frorm the far east

Unhinged Monica said...

it´s good to have people think...

Unhinged Monica said...

Continuation: During my meditation retreat, I couldn't talk to anybody, even more, I could not make eye contact with anybody.

This confirms my theory. If you don't make eye contact, you do not contact with that person, that soul, that mind, you don't know whether something that is right beside you is a man or a woman, asian or white, friend or foe,.... it's only a body.