Sunday, November 12, 2006

mil maneras de no hacer una bombilla o cajon de sastre (5)

Thomas Edison antes de lograr inventar la bombilla llevo a cabo 1.000 intentos. 1000 intentos, nada mas y nada menos. Cuando un periodista le pregunto que como se sentia despues de haber fracasado 1.000 veces el, confiado, contesto "Se equivoca usted profundamente, no he fracasado 1.000 veces, ahora conozco mil maneras diferentes de no hacer una bombilla".
Before being able to invent the bulb Thomas Edison had to try a 1.000 times. 1.000 times, nothing more nor less. When a journalist asked him how he felt after having failed 1.000 times, he answered self-confident "You are deeply wrong, I haven't failed a thousand times, now I know a thousand different ways not to make a bulb"

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