Tuesday, April 16, 2013

todo viaje es un viaje interior

 "Gran Kan, he recorrido tu vasto Imperio de un confín al otro; a pie, a caballo, y en barco.  He visto ciudades inimaginables y he imaginado ciudades imposibles de ver: ciudades pasadas y futuras, utópicas e infernales.  Pero el libro que sostienen tus manos no encierra la geografía de tu Imperio, sino la mía propia, porque, a fin de cuentas, todo viaje es un viaje interior."
Italo Calvino - Le Città Invisibili

They say this is not proper travel writing, apparently, you're supposed to provide a lot details on places you've been to, hotels you've checked-in, people you've met along the way.

They say none of this will interest anybody, anytime. Evidently, nobody will know what I refer to, what I'm implying. This is too intimate.

However, who cares where stories are born? who thinks they'll find the same forests somebody else walked through? who wishes to find the same people that somebody else bumped into previously? who strives finding the cheapest hotel?

Your most delicious coffee in town.
Create your best recipe.

This will not be considered proper travel writing....

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