Tuesday, April 24, 2007

there is a movie about this

What would you do if you were told you´re going to die in a couple of months? That was the point a pregnant friend and I were discussing over lunch the other day.
I wouldn´t tell my family, maybe I would tell it to a close friend to try to sort out all that dreadful stuff that a death implies, the funeral, your bank accounts...She said she would the same although she admitted she wouldn´t forgive her husband if he, in the same given situation, chose not to share the news.
I have a friend whose life has been periodically visited by an awful friend called cancer. Over the years he has learnt better than anyone else I know what ¨Live the present moment¨ means. There are only a few important things that matter but most of us get tangled in little silly stuff in our everyday lives.
So when you know the end is near, what does it really matter?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lo de vivir el presente esta muy de moda (carpe diem) pero no garantiza en absoluto una manera auténtica de vivir. se puede vivir en el presente de muchas maneras, repitiendolo , p. ejemplo.

igual es más cuestión de como se vive el instante más que el presente.

No creo que en estas labores exista la democracia.

un saludo

javier h.

p.d. lo que es nuevo en nuestra sociedad científica-médica es que los muy cabrones te dicen que te quedan dos meses y aciertan. antes sin esa prognosis era todo más llevadero. el oráculo al final te respondía con un enigma o con un acertijo y entre que lo resolvías o no pues te morias sin darte cuenta.