Saturday, December 06, 2008

jigsaw puzzle

There are certain people who leave a wake behind them, an invisible trail for those who meet them to follow instinctively, a trace that lingers on through time.

I can recall people like that in my life, I can recognize his leftovers, his prints in my daily existence. I love the feeling of being constructed by bits and pieces from other persons as if I were a jigsaw. This tiny little part over here -a recipe for green curry- I got it when I met that tall guy at the circus; this other one, once I popped into an American fellow in Burma; that one over there, I learned it in my school days. And so, my experience puzzle grows larger and more intricate with every single person I meet.

It's amazing how each one of the pieces fits into the space available at the moment. No other part, with a different shape, would match in that particular place at that precise instant. Furthermore, each personal jigsaw varies from all the rest. One matching piece which would seem to fit in anybody's board is not worth for everybody according to the parts already on their puzzles.

Fitting pieces together is an amusing activity that requires some time and patience but once you have placed a new part in, you feel satisfied and let others look at your artwork.


  1. Bien dicho: más que grande, lo que importa de la manta de retales es que abrigue bien el alma...sobre todo en estos días en que el viento va poniendo al revés los paraguas de la capital!.

  2. Asi que regreso usted de allen de los mares....


  3. Graaaaacias!Parece mentira que ya haya pasado...

    Volviste tú del Viaje al Centro de tu Cabeza, de nombre impronunciable, pero muy sugerente (con "V"!)?!

  4. Anonymous12:20 pm

    Le ruego Mónica que haga un haiku que me consuele de una gran pérdida. La visito a menudo. Me gusta su modo de vida, y su talento escribiendo.

    Con mi cariño y mi respeto.


  5. bueno.... es dificil lo de los haikus con tan pocos datos...

  6. Anonymous5:41 pm

    He trabajado concienzudamente durante casi la mitad de mi vida por una causa que merecía la pena y que era justa y he fracasado.

    Si necesita mas datos, no dude en preguntar

    P.D.De todas maneras, tan solo haga un haiku, siempre será consolador leerla

  7. Andreilla, el viaje al centro de mi cabeza se convirtio sin quererlo en un viaje hacia el quirofano de un hospital madrilenyo. La recuperacion ha sido tal que proceso meditativo y contemplativo. Todo bien, though.
