Me cuentas que tu vida ha cambiado, una vez más. No me leíste, no eres de esos. No te escribí, quizás yo tampoco sea de ésas. Podría contarte que algunas de las páginas de mi cuaderno iban dirigidas a ti. Podría contarte que te pensé algún que otro día. Podría...
Me preguntas sobre mí, no sobre lo de fuera. Lo aprecio, mucho. Me gusta saber que andas por ahí, aunque no te vea; aunque no te escriba y tú no me leas.
Me preguntas sobre mí, no sobre lo de fuera. Lo aprecio, mucho. Me gusta saber que andas por ahí, aunque no te vea; aunque no te escriba y tú no me leas.
You´re telling me that your life has changed, once again. You didn't read me, You're not of that kind. I didn't write to you, I might not be of that kind either. I could tell you that some of the pages of my notebook are aimed at you. I could tell you that I thought of you every other day. I could...
You ask me about me, not about it. I appreciate it, a lot. I like knowing that you're around even though I don't see you; although I don't write to you and you don't read me.
You ask me about me, not about it. I appreciate it, a lot. I like knowing that you're around even though I don't see you; although I don't write to you and you don't read me.